Video: Sam Pilgrims run at Crankworx

16 2015
Video: Sam Pilgrims run at Crankworx

This years Crankworx contest was really tough for Sam and a couple of other riders struggling with some sickness bug. Our team rider decided to compete anyway and put on a hell of a show on his NS Soda Slope bike.


Sam ended up in 12th place but it was really worth it!


Shot on GoPro ‪#‎hero4session‬


My Joyride run 2015

Here's my run from crankworx joyride on the NS Bikes soda. I was feeling awful after catching some sickness bug, but still managed to put on a show! I end up in 12th place. Shot on GoPro #hero4session

Posted by Sam Pilgrim on 16 sierpnia 2015