4. place IFMA King of Dirt - Cologne 2004
2. place Moshcore Ride and Destroy Wuppertal 2006
3. place (pro)Homegrown Tour - Aurich 2008
4. place (pro)Homegrown Tour 2008
1. place The Sky over MD Dirtjump - Magdeburg 2008
3. place (pro) Elektronisches Dirt Jump Weekend 2008
2. place (pro) Homegrown Tour - Wuppertal 2009
2. place (pro) Homegrown Tour - Aurich 2009
5. place (pro) Homegrown Tour - Emmering 2009
2. place (pro) Homegrown Tour 2009
4. place (pro) Bikedays Dirt Contest - Swiss 2009
1. place (pro) Dirtmasters Giro Bowl-Best Trick 2009
5. place (pro) Homegreown Tour 2010 - Aurich
5. place (pro) Bikedays Dirt Contest - Swiss 2010
1. place (pro) Dirtmasters Giro Bowl-Best Trick 2010
1. place (pro) Wicked Woods Contest 2010
3. place (pro) Dead Sailor jam 2010
1. place (pro) Village Bike Ride 2010
1. place (pro) Village Bike Ride 2010 Best Trick
3. place (pro) Wicked Woods Contest 2011